Amateur Radio Operations Group

The Amateur Radio Operations Group was established for the primary purpose of providing an organizational and operational framework for Amateur Radio group events and operations, and for other Amateur Radio purposes consistent with FCC rules.

See WR7DS Amateur Radio Repeater for information about the club's WR7DS repeater.

Club history:

The Amateur Radio Operations Group club was formed.
Sequential callsign KE7GKL was obtained for use in Amateur Radio group events and general club operations (eg, "Field Day").
Vanity callsign WA7RO (Western Amateur Radio Operations) replaced sequential callsign KE7GKL.
Operated with "Special Event" 1x1 callsign N7N in La Conner, WA (CN88sk) during Field Day 2006.
Dean Gibson (AE7Q) and Erik Robins (K7QOG) operated with "Special Event" 1x1 callsign K7D on Green Mountain, WA (CN98cd) during Field Day 2016 ("1B, WWA"). The setup time was about 30 minutes, and about the same for tear-down.

The details of the Yaesu ATAS-120a antenna & the ground radials is here.

For more information, contact the webmaster for this domain.

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